Who Did This
Sunshine Daydream
Playatech’s Chief Radical Innovator who is so bad at all known art media that he created a wooden dot-com to have an art project. If only real companies were this easy, fun and cheap to start…
Our VP of Branding, she started this whole mess by asking Sunshine if he could design a camp bench using slotted plywood. Then she conceived Fire in the Belly to really make him work!
Builds Playatech plazebos with one hand, while creating awesome 3D CAD designs of all our products with the other. Our Senior VP of Slot Technology does it all!
Created this new rocking web site, which is mostly made of scripts so Sunshine can just load up new insanity whenever he wants!
The Entire Fire in the Belly Team
Executed the most emotional theme art on the playa for “BM07 The Future: Hope and Fear” without a single fastener – A pregnant mother standing between a baby nursery and a doctor’s waiting room. Then redeployed it all to the Man platform for a burn in under three hours!
Ate 5 pounds of sawdust in two weeks by building the entire 5 Elements Pavilion himself, including the first Glimmer Bar and enough seating for our whole camp. Created the Playafix Kitchen design all by himself, and it rocks.
Slotted more Playa Love Seats than any human in history, and dedicates his van as Playatech’s official Rapid Deployment Vehicle every time the universe calls.
Showed us all how to use pattern router bits, and figured out how to actually build the mother for Fire in the Belly without one fastener. The kids even loved him. RIP Stig; We missed you.
Responsible for the first website design and layout – can make a computer walk, talk, and sing. (Really!)
Signed up for Sunshine’s insane idea of building a mutant vehicle starting three weeks before Burning Man, and worked harder than anyone to make the Playabile rock.
Burning Silicon’s resident 3D CAD guru, who helped work out the original Playa Love Seat design in 3D VR.
Earned the right to be the first human to occupy a Playa Love Seat by answering the call to cut wood for a mystery project, building the first two, making the revised cutting drawings for them, and holding the first officially announced Playatech build day.
Local painter extraordinaire, and chief scientist of burnable paint research.
Got us online, and hosts this site.
Created insanely professional fabrication drawings that launched the Love Seat, Playa Pew, and Ploset.
Dropped everything three weeks before the burn to make a cattle brand with the Playatech logo, and weld a “Pole Hole” socket so Playatech Hotties could dance on the Playabile in twirly style.
Who knows who this guys is……
All of the above individuals and everyone else expressly disclaim all liability for any result of anything you do with the content on this site. We expressly inform you that all designs on this site are deemed unsafe for any purpose. If you hurt yourself, sue your friendly neighborhood plywood supplier, or the National Forest Service. Please send feedback, ideas, drawings, & pix of your own designs to sunshine@playatech.com along with permission to post them on our site.