To Build a City, We Need a Place To Work!
In Black Rock City, we’ve seen people soldering, welding, gluing, emailing, and doing otherwise normal work in the strangest places and positions. That’s because no one has a desk or a workbench! Why not? Because no one ever figured out how to build their own from a single sheet of plywood until 1972! And news travels slow sometimes.
Yes, the Busy Bee Bench is a 1972 design from the book “Nomadic Furniture”, and we have to say that we couldn’t have done a better job ourselves. In fact if we had seen this one, we might not have bothered designing our own Miss Direct Desk that’s twice its size. Please buy the book before they sue us, because it is full of great rapidly deployable ideas!
Oh, you say you’re a famous DJ and so cool you don’t need to get your hands dirty on playa? Try putting your rig on this after you get some groupie to build you one. We all need a place to create our art, even you…
Playatech – We didn’t invent slotted plywood; we just thought so!
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