Having Your Hundred Closest Friends Over For Dinner?
In 2010, Feed The Artists asked to come over for dinner. With 100 artists. And they wanted tables for floor seating. So we designed a commemorative table just for them, made from just (go figure) one sheet of 3/4″ plywood! Then we built a dozen, added 100 pillows, and burned our logo into the table-tops – voila, table service for 100 radical creatives! A dozen can fit in the under-storage of a modern RV, and they work at 15″ or 27″ height – try that IKEA!
Get the ply that’s sanded on both sides for this easy project. And don’t try to cook dinner for this many artists yourself. That took more work than furnishing the whole dining hall…
Playatech – When Art Calls Home, We Answer The Phone
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