Terms and Conditions

You may download or use Playatech plans ONLY as described herein.


Wall Street analysts consider Playatech de IKEA of da playa, but to compete we need more revenue. We’re a dot com made of plywood, to benefit the arts. We don’t want the money ourselves, but you must pay the art gods or your theme camp will be struck by thunder and lightning on the playa! Please don’t mess with the karmic quilt by stealing these plans.

We charge a $5 royalty donation for EVERY sheet of plywood used in our products, because we sell the world’s best dang shareware you can sit on. You get the right to build ONE item for each donation you make. You have the right to use, gift, sell, burn, or otherwise do whatever you want with that item. If you want to make another copy of that item, you must donate again or you are stealing – which is the opposite of gifting. So if you are building 6 each, order 6 copies of the plans.


By using these plans, you also agree to be radically self-sufficient, and accept ALL responsibility for all results that transpire, and any damage, injury, death, or insult that may occur. You agree to indemnify Playatech against everything possible known to man, and woman. And you agree to send us pictures! Warning: do not incinerate Playatech furniture while in use – leave that to professionals like us.

Playatech’s Unique Money-Back Guarantee:

Playatech guarantees our products will be the best dang playa furniture you’ve ever built, or your money back. To obtain a refund, ship all parts of your product to Playatech at your expense within 90 days, and we will promptly refund your $5/sheet royalty donation. You didn’t think we’d also refund the money you burned at Home Depot, did you? We offer no other warranties about anything, express or implied.

Those are your rights. Don’t download the plans unless you agree. Our plans can be dangerous to disagreeable people! 


The “Real Deal”:

You may think Playatech is a company, but we’re NOT! And you’ve made it far enough to deserve an explanation – we lie somewhere between company, non-profit, and art project, and no one knows where. But to please any lawyers or CPAs among you, here is the real deal in black and white: Our PayPal button goes to a bank account owned by Burning Man Arts (formerly BRAF), to fund artists taking playa art to default. You make a donation to a non-profit here, not a payment to us! Got it? This site and everything on it is a GIFT so don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. 

Since your donation is small and paperwork is a pain, you will NOT receive a 501(c)(3) letter to document it for IRS deduction purposes. Also, when you make your donation, Playatech licenses to you the right to use its plans without paying us (a “gift”), purely as our thank you for supporting the arts! And specifically, for donating to Burning Man Arts. The donation you make is part of Gifting which is part of all 10 Burning Man Principles that you become immersed in by pARTicipating in Playatech in the manner intended. 

If for any reason you are not ok with this, a) see our money back guarantee above, or b) you may obtain Playatech plans without making a donation by sending a request to Sunshine (at) Playatech (dot) com with a complete description of 1) what you intend to use the items you build for, and 2) why you deserve to have such a gift given that we prefer to only give this gift to those who support The Man and his 10 Principles. Those principles include Self-Sufficiency (go earn $5!) and Gifting (asking for a gift instead of simply receiving when it is given is rather frowned upon at BRC). Note: The Zendo Project, David Best, Everywhere, and others have received plans without royalty payment (ahem, donation), simply by making such an ask for a good cause.  All we asked in return was being named as a (fake) corporate sponsor of their cause. What’s your cause? 

For commercial uses, please contact Sunshine@Playatech.com. And it better be good! 


All contents of this site ©2005-2014 Playatech. Platents blending, all plights preserved. Playatech and all ploduct names are plagiarized playa marks of Playatech Ptd., a plenary plutocracy denying all pliability. All images and plans on this site are ploprietary and may not be used for any porpoise without donation of requested royalty to the arts.