Evolution Makes A Good Thing Better!
5 years after introducing the Playa Love Seat that made Playatech as indispensable in the desert as Kleenex, we never imagined we could design a better one. But we had to. So we did! And Burners Without Borders was kind enough to announce it for us worldwide.
The Anniversaire Chair celebrates 5 years of putting splinters in thousands of playa princesses and proud princes. It takes the ubiquitous Playa Love Seat and adds arm rests, side tables with drink holders (two per person for you lushes), and even adds a shaded area underneath for your cooler and fire toys. And you can still make the entire thing from exactly one sheet of ply! These days, you can get that for the price of a fast food lunch, and it will grow back before you wear out our product. We guarantee it, or your money back!
Designer furniture doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg to keep them both happy. Not anymore. All it takes is some legwork and an arm holding power tools. So get to work! Don’t buy American, build American. Or Iranian if that’s where you’re reading this.
Playatech – The Ultimate Art Class For Unemployed Construction Workers
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