The Magic Lies In What Children Make Of It
Playatech is pleased to share its Magic Play House, in honor of our favorite right of passage: raising children. We realize many of you have not been there (yet) but we want you as ready as Mary Poppins when they arrive. Or at least as ready to support magic.
The Magic Play House is a complete play structure for young children that can be arranged as a play house, fort, theatre stage, puppet show gallery, or countless other uses. It compares to petrochemical toys like Burning Man does to TV, by enabling a natural, minimalist canvas inviting inspiration and imagination to instigate magical play. In true Playatech style, it is made from exactly one sheet of plywood with virtually no scrap. And you really can fit two in the trunk of a 3 Series BMW. Just add some silks or other fabric and play clips for a complete virtual structure experience
For the cost of a commercial plastic playhouse, any parent can now provide their kids a more creative and sustainable solution made from $30 of wood – and still afford the power tools for making it. That’s financial magic. So build a Playatech Magic Playhouse for your kids right now with a whoosh of your wand, before they get too old to believe in dragons and fairies.
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Playatech – Putting The Playa To Play In Parenting
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