Burning Man LLC today announced it has awarded Playatech exclusive rights to furnish SF Decom 2005 with rapidly deployable seating. In making this award, the LLC stated a goal of ensuring comfort and community space for all participants, and cited 10 selection principles including radical inclusion, decommodification, civic responsibility, and gifting.

To fulfill the terms of the award while supporting principles of self-reliance, self-_expression, and communal effort, Playatech has committed to invite every Playa Love Seat and Playa Pew within 50 miles of SF to attend the event and congregate around fires that will heat the street. All furniture interested in participation should contact sunshine@playatech.com ASAP to RSVP and for logistical details. Playatech will provide paints, woodburners and its official fire brand ñ this will ensure that furniture arriving without playawear gets unpredictably transformed into insanely fine art by an ad hoc team of 10,000 creative burners intent on experiential immediacy.

According to Playatechís Sunshine Daydream, “While the financial value of this award wonít pay the BRAF royalty on a single love seat, this event will mark an important milestone as we expand our dominance over IKEA from the desert to the streets. Unlike those box store boys, we believe that furniture should be created as art, and when worn out it should become fuel, not landfill fodder”.

As additional incentive for the exclusive right to rest body parts at Decom, Playatech has committed to updating its aging web site with more radical innovations sometime afterwards, and has agreed not to hire Reverend Billy as its pitchman at least until the 2006 theme is made public. And we promised to remind you ALL to leave no trace at this event and everywhere!!!!

For more information about Playatech, visit http://www.playatech.com. For more information about SF Decom, go there.

– See more at: http://playatech.com/news/#item12